Nowadays, Halloween is one of the most common festive days in the whole world. People get dressed with costumes and they go to ask for sweets saying “Trick or Treat”.

This year, the school decided to celebrate “La Castanyada”, a traditional day in Catalonia in which  people eat chestnuts and make the famous “Panellets” with almonds, coconut, sugar, lemon skin, sweet potato and some pinions.

The children wanted to do something for Halloween, but they had all the Halloween’s day busy celebrating “La Castanyada”. So, the English teacher decided to do special activities about Halloween with the children.

In Cicle Mitjà, we knew: the monster of Frankenstein, a vampire, a werewolf and a spooky mummy. We did a worksheet about all these terrible monsters, we saw their origin, why are them so terrific, what they would eat, if they were real or not…

In Cicle Superior we did a pumpkin with orange cards. First of all, we wrote all the instructions to do it, with all the material we need and all the steps. The final results were incredible, everybody did a beautiful pumpkin, and they were very happy to have a pumpkin as a basket to put the Halloween sweets in.

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