This school year, at Cingle Roig school in Vilaplana we have started to cook! But we cook in English, as part of the Tallers Interdisciplinars project. Every Friday afternoon we do workshops with small groups of pupils from different ages, and one of them is about cooking. The idea is that the children can have some fun and learn English at the same time. And cooking is usually something very attractive and fun for them to do. The idea is that they get used to understand instructions in oral English, learn new ingredients and kitchen tools vocabulary, and of course, learn how to cook easy dishes! Another interesting part of the project is for the children to learn where some of the dishes we are doing come from and that’s why we do as many international foods as possible, so they can know about different cultures. So far, we have done France (crepes), Mexico (Guacamole) and England (Grilled ham and cheese sandwiches). But the possibilities are endless, and we have just scratched the surface. Who knows, perhaps the next Masterchef comes from our school!



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