Job shadowing

Aquesta setmana la nostra companya Sonia Sierra es troba a un institut capdavanter en treball per projectes i CLIL, ITE LL Gadda Rosselli (Gallarate, Itàlia) en el marc d’un projecte Eramus+. Allà observarà com treballen i s’organitzen en el seu dia a dia. A la tornada, traslladarà a tot el professorat del nostre centre el seu aprenentatge i la seva experiència. Estem segurs que aquest projecte tindrà un impacte molt positiu a la nostra comunitat educativa.

This week our colleague Sonia Sierra is at a leading school in project based learning and CLIL, ITE LL Gadda Rosselli, Gallarate (Italy). There, she will observe how they work and organise themselves in their day to day. On her return, she will pass on her learning and experience to all teachers of our school. We are confident that this project will have a very positive impact on our school.