Xerrades “A trip to London” i “New York, New York”

L’editorial Burlington va oferir dues xerrades adreçades als alumnes de 3r i 4t d’ESO i 1r de Batxillerat, el dia 3 de maig: a 3r i 4t d’ESO la xerrada girava al voltant de Londres, mentre que la de 1r de Batxillerat tractava sobre la ciutat de Nova York. A continuació us deixem un breu resum de cadascuna de les dues xerrades:

In this class, we take a trip around London and visit some of the many sights this great city has to offer including the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament and Madame Tussauds. We visit Sherlock Holmes’ London and discover the origins of the British police. Students also learn about British money and the best places to shop and eat.

In this class, we take the students on a trip around the Big Apple. They will find out about the history of this great metropolis and about the different generations of immigrants that have contributed to its success. We also take a look at the city’s various sports teams and musical heritage.

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