Let’s mechanize the astronomical observatory!

Students at the VET course of electronics from Nuovo Olivetti high school in Ivrea (Itlaty) visited us on November 13 week. Their experience on the Arduino programming, designed by a former student of the school, was of great help to start working on the mechanisation of the dome to facilitate the access and use of the telescope. During their stay, the Italian visitors had time to attend some lessons, take part in Maria Rúbies projects and enjoy our culture.

Durant la setmana del 13 de novembre, hem rebut la visita d’estudiants d’electrònica del centre Nuovo Olivetti Ivrea (Itàlia). Amb la seva experiència tècnica en la plataforma Arduino, dissenyada per un estudiant del centre Olivetti, han treballat de valent per tal d’automatitzar el moviment de la nostra cúpula i així facilitar l’ús del nostre telescopi. Durant la seva estada, els nostres visitants han assistit a classes, participat en projectes del Maria Rúbies i gaudit de la nostra cultura i hospitalitat.

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