Global Scholars: community action projects.

El darrer trimestre de curs l’alumnat de 2n d’ESO ha realitzat el projecte final del Programa Global Scholars. Aquest projecte final s’anomena Community Action Project. El tema escollit ha estat la sequera i els diferents grups han creat el projecte amb l’objectiu d’informar i conscienciar d’aquest problema.

The local water issue our school has decided to address is drought because our city and country has been suffering from a lack of water for an extended period of time and everyone’s worried about it.

Our community action goal is making our school and families conscious of the big problems that drought brings.

The actions we have taken to achieve these goals are:

2nA: posts on instagram to show the importance of saving water. Teacher: Anna Vilalta

2nB: sketches to show the need of saving water. Teachers: Eva Barrios i Jordi Castany

2nC: news program with different pieces of news related to the drought problem in Catalonia. Teachers: Eva Barrios, Anna Morales

2nD: exhibition with QR codes that show our relation with water, the drought issue and possible solutions and tips. Teachers; Núria Labèrnia i Montse Oto

We think that these are good actions for our community because if people realize that drought is dangerous, they’ll try to solve the problem in various different ways.

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