Escape room, una activitat motivadora

El passat divendres 11 de gener vam fer un “Escape Room” que consistia a resoldre unes activitats de les següents matèries: anglès, biologia/geologia i física i química. Havíem de resoldre quatre proves i totes eren en anglès. Per cada activitat resolta obteníem un número que en ajuntar-los formaven un codi que ens permetia obrir la caixa amb el premi. El premi consistia en una motxilla de l’institut, una gorra, una cantimplora, un necesser de viatge i una consumició a la cafeteria del centre.

L’activitat que més ens va agradar va ser una de física i química que consistia a trobar un enllaç químic i sortir al pati a representar-lo amb objectes de la natura.

L’Escape Room va ser una activitat molt dinàmica que tornaríem a repetir.

Alumnes de 4t ESO – A



Last Friday 11th of January, we participated in an “Escape Room” that consisted in solving four activities. The tasks were based in three subjects: English, Biology/Geology and Physics and Chemistry. For each activity we obtained a number and with the combination of the four numbers, we were able to open the box that contained the prize. The prize was a school bag, a cap, a water bottle, a toilet bag and a ticket for the school’s canteen.

The activity that we liked the most was one of Physics and Chemistry in which we had to find one chemical bond and go to the playground where we had to represent it with some natural elements we found there.

The Escape Room was a very dynamic activity that we would like to repeat.

Students of 4th ESO – A

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