Dona i ciència

L’alumnat de 2n ESO C, D i E, amb motiu del Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena a la Ciència (11 de febrer) i Dia  Internacional de la Dona (8 de març) ha participat en el projecte “Scientific Women” des de l’assignatura de Física i Química.  Una de les activitats ha consistir en conéixer més sobre el treball i les aportacions d’algunes dones científiques, com per exemple, Marie Curie.

Marie Curie (1867-1934)

She is one of the most important names in the scientific scene and, without a doubt, the most famous female scientit of the world. Together with her husband, Pierre Curie, she devoted her life to studying radioactivity, achieving important advances in that field and isolating two elements, the polonium and the radio. His research, along with those of other scientists of the time, laid the foundations of nuclear power plants in which electricity is produced today. It should also be noted that Marie was the first woman to teach at the university, and the first person in history to get two Nobel prizes in two different fields, Physics and Chemistry. She’s a pioneer of pioneers.

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