Per tercer any consecutiu emprenen el projecte BELGIUM PEN FRIENDS (d’amics per carta) amb l’institut Middenschool Heilig Hart de Bree, Bèlgica. Dintre de la matèria d’anglès, 10 alumnes de 1r d’ESO A del nostre institut intercanviaran cartes amb 7 alumnes de l’institut de Bèlgica.

És una manera engrescadora per a l’alumnat d’escriure i llegir usant la llengua estrangera anglesa d’una manera real. Aquest any hem començat amb les Christmas Greetings, com podeu veure a les fotos. Ja hem rebut les seves targetes i a Bèlgica estaran a punt de rebre les nostres!


This is a project created to exchange traditional letters between both schools. The students will exchange traditional letters and pictures to get to know each other and basic topics which surround them (school, sports, food). Both schools will be using a foreign language, English. The main goal is to motivate students using real communication.


  1. Use the foreign Language to communicate and get in touch with students from the other culture/country to learn about general differences in lifestyles.
  2. Improve writing/reading skills by means of exchanging letters about personal and basic information.
  3. Continue developing a relationship between both schools.

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