English Conversation assistant

During the present course our school is having the pleasure of hosting a native English conversation assistant. Her name is Sophie Tomlinson, as most of you may already know, and she is studying third year of Spanish Philology at Manchester University.


The University-Ministerio de Educación collaborative program offers her services to our school for 11 hours per week to help improve our students’ speaking, listening, use of English and even writing skills. However, her presence is not only a value for improving the students’ language skills but it is also working as a motivating engine for teachers who want to practice, recycle or perfection their English.

Sophie is going to be with us until May providing support to English classes in ESO, Batxillerat and Vocational Studies (Cicles Formatius). Having been with us for the last five months, Sophie has perfectly fit in our community and she has not only offered us her excellent professional skills but also her best personal qualities. Feel free to say hello to Sophie in whatever language you prefer, She speaks Spanish and Catalan!

My name is __________ and I am the language __________ this ________ at IES Sabadell.
I am here to __________ you speak and to _________ your English. Please, feel _______ to come and ________ to me whenever you _______.

I _______ to see you soon,

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