Sortida al poblat Ibèric de Calafell

Last Thursday, the 12nd of May, 4th, 5th and 6th grade spent the day in the Iberian Citadel of Calafell, which is the name of the archaeological citadel of Les Toixoneres, located in Calafell, Baix Penedès.

There we were able to find out how our ancestors lived, what they ate, how they dressed and the way their customs looked. Although, we were able to practice the old technique of making fire and bread.

Despite the heat it was definitely great and all the students enjoyed and learned a lot.


Les Panteres hem fet un tastet de Robòtica, amb les Beebots!! Unes petites abelles que es mouen seguint les nostres instruccions. A la primera sessió hem après a programar-les perquè es moguin cap a endavant, endarrera i facin un gir. Estem desitjant tornar a tenir… Llegeix més»