Els nens i nenes de P3, P4 i P5 hem anat a “La Sitja” a veure l’espectacle “SANTA’S BOOTS”, de la Companyia IPA Productions. Ha estat una obra de teatre en anglès molt divertida, entenedora i alegre. Tots junts hem cantat i hem participat ajudant als amics de Santa Claus a trobar les seves botes. Ha estat un matí genial!

Hi families! On November 30, all the kids from P3, P4 and P5 attended a show in “La Sitja” called “SANTA’S BOOTS”. It was a fun, interactive, Christmas puppet show. We all together helped Santa’s friends (the Snowman, Rudolph, a penguin and a polar bear) to find Santa’s new Boots.

We had a lovely time, singing and helping Santa’s friends! A GREAT MORNING!


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