Acting together 2023

And the Oscar goes to…

“Fame costs and right here where you start paying in sweat”. This is a quote from Fame TV series. Charlie Rivel’s 4th grade students have sweated, had fun, and have rehearsed “Monster’s jungle” a thousand times for the “Acting together” project.

Thanks @CRPHospitalet, especially Mireia, for coordinating and congratulations to the other schoolsl. Great plays, actors and actresses and the best directors! English is great!

Els alumnes i les alumnes de 4t de primària finalment han actuat al Barradas. L’obra “La Jungla dels Monstres” ha estat tot un èxit. Durant els assajos han après moltes coses com interpretar, nou vocabulari en anglès i sobretot entonar, transmetre emocions, esperar el seu torn i compartir un projecte comú. Enhorabona, Charlies!


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