“Spinderella”, the show

One Tuesday morning our English teacher invited all the children of the school to go to the gym. When everybody was at the gym a show in English started.  😀

“Spinderella” was the title of the show. The story is about a girl named Cindy. She is a very good singer, nice, healthy and hard worker person. She’s got an older sister whose name is Becky, Becky is a bad singer, unhealthy, very lazy and bossy person.

The dream of both sisters, Becky and Cindy is singing in a karaoke show with DJ Dave. He is a very famous DJ and singer.  😎

When Becky goes to the karaoke show, Cindy stays at home because she has a very long list of house work to do. Suddenly the Karaoke King appears and helps Cindy with his magic tricks. Finally she can go to the karaoke show.

Cindy sings in the karaoke show and wins. But at 12 o’clock the bells ring and Cindy has to go back home quickly.  On her way home she misses a shoe. DJ Dave collects the shoe and the next morning he looks for the owner of the shoe who is the winner of the karaoke show.

At the end of the show DJ Dave finds Cindy and gives her the shoe. Becky feels sorry and apologizes to her. At the end everybody is happy.

It was a great and funny show. The songs were nice and catchy.

We had a very good time!  😆

By Year 6 “Guapos tremendos”

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