English theatre at school.

On Wednesday, the actors from the Jumping Ducks theatre company put on two plays. Infant pupils were able to enjoy the play: “The Three Little Pigs”, remembering the classic tale and participating with the actors by blowing up the straw and wooden houses. For the 1st cycle and 3rd year pupils, they performed “Robin, Princess of the Hoods”. It is an adaptation of the well-known fairy tale, but adapted to our times, making children aware of climate change and making them see that they have the key to change things, and it is never too late to make the change. “IT’S NEVER TOO LATE”.

 El dimecres, els actors de la companyia de teatre Jumping Ducks, ens ha ofert dues obres de teatre. Els alumnes d’infantil han pogut gaudir de l’obra: “The Three Little Pigs”, recordant el clàssic conte i participant amb els actors tirant a terra les casetes de palla i de fusta. Pels alumnes de 1r cicle i 3r curs, ens han presentat “Robin Princess of de Hoods”. És una adaptació del conegut conte, però adaptat als nostres temps, fent prendre consciència als infants del canvi climàtic i fent-los veure que ells tenen la clau per canviar les coses i mai és tard per fer el canvi. “IT’S NEVER TOO LATE”.