Incorporating elements of the natural world into education is fundamental for children’s holistic development.

For this reason, in the creative laboratory DIY we are creating mandalas in the playground with natural elements that we collect. Students gather leaves, branches, stones and other natural elements to incorporate into their designs. This not only stimulates their creativity but also instills a sense of appreciation for the environment. The process of collecting these elements becomes an outdoor adventure, connecting students with the beauty of the world around them.

Also, mandalas serve as powerful tools for promoting focus, relaxation, and creativity among students. 

On the other hand, the creation of mandalas using natural elements can be linked to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12, which refers to “Responsible Consumption and Production”. With this activity, we focus on:

  • Sustainable creativity
  • Resource consumption awareness
  • Connection with nature

The incorporation of nature-inspired mandalas into the school curriculum provides a holistic approach to education, fostering creativity, mindfulness, and environmental awareness. By encouraging students to connect with the natural world through art, we are nurturing well-rounded individuals with a deep appreciation for both their inner selves and the environment that surrounds them.

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