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Come on!!

Halloween proposals!!

Dear students,

Halloween is coming and we must start to prepare the choreographies in English!!

This year is Halloween what 5th and 6th grades must prepare!

Here you have the proposals we can decide!!


Have a look  to the songs and after that vote the one you like the most!


  1. Look what you made me do.

2. Thriller (Mickel Jackson)





3. Zombie, The cranberries.

4. This is Halloween

Now it is time for voting!!

Some other proposals made by the kids:

Skillet Monster

spooky scary skeletons remix

Crea tu propia encuesta de comentarios de usuarios

Here we have the song most voted!!

Halloween song 5th Grades!

Dear students!

Halloween is coming and we must prepare the song for the festival!

It is very important we can practice the lyrics of the song for that day!

We are going to dance and enjoy that day!

Are you ready?

Here we go!

Here you have the lyrics as well!