Projecte “Un planeta verd”

Durant el segon trimestre els alumnes de quart hem desenvolupat el projecte “Un Planeta Verd”. Com podreu veure al menú de la presentació que us adjuntem hem fet activitats molt variades: tenir cura de l’hort, plantar tomaqueres, germinar mongetes, construir menjadores pels ocells, observar les parts d’una flor, conèixer la flora i la fauna dels Parcs Naturals de Catalunya,…  Tot plegat ha sigut molt enriquidor i ens ha servit per  aprendre moltes coses interessants i fer-nos reflexionar sobre la importància de tenir cura del nostre planeta.

Clicant en el següent enllaç podreu veure algunes de les activitats que hem dut a terme amb fotos del procés. També coneixereu les activitats que hem fet en anglès en el marc del Projecte eTwinning “My Balcony is my Little Forest”.

Esperem que us agradi!

My Balcony is my Little Forest – eTwinning Project

Students from 4th degree are participating in an eTwinning project with schools from other countries like Turkey, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Spain and Italy. The project is called “My Balcony is My Little Forest”  and it is very interesting. Our primary goal is to raise nature-friendly individuals who protect living beings and respect the life rights of other creatures.

During the project we have taken the responsibility of growing plants and observe their growth stages.  We have also made terrariums, spend a day in the nature  and drawn our favourite trees.

We have shared our  experiences and productions with the students from other countries and that was very motivating.

During the third term we will participate in more activities.

You can see the result of some of the activities in the following link:

Science in English

In the second term, the students from 5th and 6th grade have done a science unit in English.

The 5th grade students have learnt about the Solar System and in the PE classes we have acted out the Earth’s movements. With the 6th grade students, we have studied the Ecosystems and have carried out activities such as a mutual dictation or a dictogloss.

Click on the following picture for some photos about the activities.