Let’s start Erasmus+

We have recently been informed that our request to participate in the Erasmus + project, called Progression from school to adulthood in SEN, has been accepted.

Erasmus + is the EU program in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020 and supports the implementation of the European Political Agenda for growth, employment, equity and inclusion.

The project in which we participate is part of the key action 2 of the Erasmus + program that promotes cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. The proposal raises a bilateral association that brings together two schools of special education to share practices that help us identify and overcome the difficulties that young people with NEE encounter in the transition from school to adulthood. We will analyze how emotional resilience can be developed to manage change, new experiences and the expectations of others, and explore different approaches in the contexts of the United Kingdom and Spain.

Thus, in the next two years, we will work together with East SILC John Jamieson, a special education school located east of the city of Leeds. During the period we plan to make different visits, on which we will inform you soon.

Participació en la I Jornada d’Escoles Verdes d’EE

El divendres 17 de maig hi va haver al Vendrell la primera trobada d’Escoles Verdes d’EE amb l’asistències de nombrosos CEE i SIEIs. Nosaltres no hi vam poder acudir presencialment però tot i així hi vam voler participar remetent aquesta presentació.

Per veure tots els materials que s’hi van presentar podeu consultar en aquesta web.