The very hungry caterpillar

Hello everybody!
P4 pupils have watched the story of “The very hungry caterpillar” and, after that, we have decided to create our own book about that stoty and record a video explaining it to you. Here you have the video, hope you enjoy it like us!

Bye bye butterflies!

Nerea’s Interview!

Hi there!
Two weeks ago Nerea (from 4th A) went to Germany with her family and she has brought us a surprise!
We did the Project related with sports and English language, and we thought that it would be interesting to take advantage of her visit to… Llegeix més»

5è – Cantània

Benvolguts/des cantaires, tinc una notícia bona i un altra de dolenta:

  • La bona és la cançó 7:

(amb la qual ni em molestaré a fer-li un text)

  • I la notícia dolenta és la cançó 8:

Té molta feina, ho sé. Us intentaré donar un cop de mà amb aquest… Llegeix més»