Practice your English!

Hello boys and girls!

I hope you are all feeling good at home.
I’ll post twice a week some activities to practice your English.
You can start doing a science experiment. See the article of yesterday.
If you are still bored, I recommend you some links: 
Listening comprehension activities with videos and different levels
Go to “La motxilla” and you’ll find for each grade and subject many activities and resources classified. Enjoy!
Good way to write and read books. 
You can become a published author!
To review our book go to if it works for you, some of you have some problems to log in, remember the password was 1234. Don’t panic if  you can not access the web. You can always download the app “Richmond Go” and play!
I hope it can be useful for you.
Kisses and hugs.
Take care!


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