English Corner

Hello kids!?

I’m your English teacher.

How are you?

I hope you are good at home.

You can:

Learn or review vocabulary:

Listen to stories:

https://youtu.be/75NQK-Sm1YY The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

https://youtu.be/FrmZeXf7ScU The mixed-up Chameleon by Eric Carle

Dance and sing:

https://youtu.be/OzKY5YHnOTg Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

https://youtu.be/rzd71WPXOEk I’m a Skeleton

https://youtu.be/frN3nvhIHUk Do you like broccoli …?

https://youtu.be/-jBfb33_KHU The clothes

Play games or do different activities:


Go to play store with your tablets or cell phones and download the app ” Richmond GO”

If you are still bored go to http://www.ceip-diputacio.com/la%20motxilla.htm

Kisses and hugs.??

I miss you!

Take care,


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