Students of third grade reviewed different topics like weather, months, clothes and days of the week with a very special gamification: they played Among Us in the class!!

They were very engaged and worked very hard to kick out the impostor from the school! They had so much fun!


With our project we have learned how to describe different landscapes using specific vocabulary about landforms like: river, mountains, lake, streams, hills, valleys… different adjectives and prepositions of place.

As we have become experts on landforms, we have played a special game! Do you know the game “Who is who”? Well, we played it in our special way, and we called it “Where is where”!

In groups we described a photo of a landscape as accurately as we could, and our classmates had to guess which was our photo! We had lots of fun!

Us convidem a visitar els BLOCS de l’Escola

Benvolgudes famílies,

Us convidem a que periòdicament visiteu els blocs dels nivells dels vostres fills i filles.

Als blocs hi trobareu articles d’algunes de les activitats, fotografies, els vídeos de l’Ara Parlo Jo! i moltes coses més!

Podeu accedir-hi des de la pestanya menú (a dalt a la dreta).