The importance of teaching students about Sustainability, by Carmen

Educating children from elementary school on sustainable development in today’s society is essential. The objectives of this education are based on the decisions of the UN (United Nations organization) as part of the 2030 agenda. But why teach them these values? Why is it needed?

First of all, sustainable development is defined as a “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their owkids3n needs” (G.H. Brundtland, UN report “Our Common Future”, 1987).

Thus, according to Le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale understanding the relationships between environmental, economic, social and cultural issues should help students to better perceive:

  • The interdependence of human societies and the Earth system
  • The need to make informed, responsible choices and adopt behaviors that take these balances into account
  • The importance of global solidarity

Indeed, it is crucial to be conscious about the current state of the environment and to acknowledge that not everyone around the globe has the same opportunities when it comes to upcycling and recycling (among other actions). However, in most households around Europe it is simple to adopt small daily gestures and behaviors to contribute to a sustainable growth such as sorting waste, something that is more and more common but that still a lot of families need to seize.

To conclude, teaching these simple habits to kids would allow them to sustainably meet their own needs all throughout their lives while making earth a welcoming place for future generations.


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