Christina , a girl from Greece who loves music and dance!

Hello! I am Christina, I am 22 years old and I come from Greece! 
Γειά σας! Είμαι η Χριστίνα, είμαι 22 χρονών και είμαι απο την Ελλάδα.








I live in Meteora which are a small city in Thessaly. Meteora is a rock fromation in central Greece hosting one of the largest and most precipitously built complexes of Easter Orthodox Monasteries, second in importance only to Mount Athos.




Some of the activities you can do in Meteora are hiking. I love nature, i love the environment and i like to explore paths.




















My hobbies are dancing and music. Specifically, I have been dealing with traditional dances since I was 10 years old and I continue until now. I am able to teaching traditional dancing at all ages and aiding other people to love it.

















Also, in the traditional dances we included some choreographies  from different Greek movies like Aliki Bougiouklaki.

Some pictures of these choreograpfies: 













Expect from dance, I like to play the piano because it makes me feel free. At the age of 15, I started play the piano and especially music pieces from Mozart. Music is also my passion.








I decide to part in at the Erasmus program, because I think that it is a very important experience for my job and for my life.
I came here as an English assistant and also music assistant because i want to exercise my skills.
I believe that Escola Enric Farreny is very creative and helps children to learn many things through practice and without having so much theory. This is another reason why I chose to come here as in the schools of Greece the courses are not so practical and creative.

I am very happy that I was given the opportunity to be a member of such an amazing school and I want to offer the best I can to the children.


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