2nd grade. Human Body

Hi there!
We have been working on human body. Here we show you some of our favourite activities about it: the puppet show, the cowboy game, who is who, the pin it game…
We have learned a lot and we are prepared to new adventures!
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1st grade. All about me

Hi there! This October we’ve reviewed colours and numbers through different games and songs. Take a look at our portraits 🙂 Now we’re able to tell more about ourselves!


Hola! Aquest mes d’octubre hem estat repassant els colors i els números a través de diferents jocs i cançons. Mireu els nostres retrats 🙂 Cada vegada som més capaços d’explicar més coses sobre nosaltres mateixos!

3rd grade. All about me

Hi there! We would like to show you what we have been working on this October.

We have been preparing a game called Guess Who, where we had to guess the identity of the person hiding in an envelope.

In this way we’ve known each other better and reviewed what we learnt last school year.

Hola! Ens agradaria mostrar-vos en què hem estat treballant durant aquest mes d’octubre.

Hem estat preparant un joc anomenat Guess Who, on havíem d’endevinar qui era la persona que s’amagava dins del sobre.

D’aquesta manera ens hem pogut conèixer una mica millor i hem repassat el que vam aprendre el curs passat.