Videoconferència de 5è amb Polònia

El passat divendres 15 de juny els/les alumnes de 5è curs de primària van fer una videoconferència amb els/les alumnes de la de l’Escola de Primària de Parchow, Polònia.
Primer, els vam saludar en polonès (Dzień dobry, jak się masz?) i els vam ensenyar la senyera catalana.… Llegeix més»

Frankenstein Theatre Play

On 21st February, children in Year 4, 5 and 6 of Primary Education went to Pavelló de l’oli in Les Borges Blanques to see the theatre play called “Frankenstein”. They had great fun because the actors performed very well and they were very funny. The children… Llegeix més»

ICT corner in the Art Classroom

Children in Year 5 of Primary Education started using ByME platform to do interactive activities related to the topics they are learning during this school year. These activities help them to reinforce Art contents as well as they help them improve their listening and reading… Llegeix més»

Children in Year 5 receive Christmas cards!

This Monday children in Year 5 of Primary Education received their Christmas cards from their e-pals in Poland and Greece. As you will see in the photos and videos, they were very happy and excited.
During this term they will keep on using the New Technologies… Llegeix més»

We start our eTwinning project in Year 5!

This school year, children in Year 5 of Primary Education are doing an eTwinning project called “E-pals” and they are going send emails in English to their e-pals in Poland and Greece. They were given a username and a password to login our Twinspace.
Aquest curs… Llegeix més»

We make Jack-o’-lanterns!

Aquesta setmana, els/les alumnes de Cicle Superior de Primària estan fent Jack-o’-lanterns. Van dibuixar-ne unes quantes als seus llibres d’esbossos i en van triar una com a model.
Children in 3rd Cycle of Primary Education are making Jack-o’-lanterns this week. They drew some Jack-o’-lanterns in their… Llegeix més»