The enormous carrot

One day a father plants a carrot seed. It grews and grews and it becomes an enormous carrot.

The father pulls and pulls and pulls but it doesn’t come out. He calls HELP, HELP, HELP and the mother comes.

They pull and pull and pull but it doesn’t come out. They call HELP, HELP, HELP and the grandmother comes.

They pull and pull and pull but it doesn’t come out. They call HELP, HELP, HELP and the grandfather comes.

They pull and pull and pull but it doesn’t come out. They call HELP, HELP, HELP and the uncle comes.

They pull and pull and pull but it doesn’t come out. They call HELP, HELP, HELP and the dog comes.

They pull and pull and pull but it doesn’t come out. They call HELP, HELP, HELP and the cat comes.

They pull and pull and pull but it doesn’t come out. They call HELP, HELP, HELP and the parrot comes.

They pull and pull and pull but it doesn’t come out. They call HELP, HELP, HELP and the baby comes.

They pull and pull and pull and POP! The carrot comes out! And they prepare an enormous carrot soup.

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