English: 30 day challenge.

Hi, I’m Jordi and today I’m going to tell you about the English challenge proposed by Ceci, our English teacher, those days of lockdown.

Mr. Matt Cutts, director of TED in the United States of America, proposes a change of habits for 30 days. For example: do not eat sugars or chocolates, do sport, not watch TV… and see how we feel during these 30 days. He said we would surely discover new and pleasant sensations.

Ceci told us we could do 30 days or 14 days doing something new . Everyone could choose what they wanted to do. I chose to build Legos. I took advantage of the pieces that I have at home and I only download the instructions.

Every day after doing my homework, I went to my toy room and  I was concentrate on finding the pieces that I need it.

I was impressed to see that I was able to build starships that cost a lot of money in the store, without leaving home and without wasting money.

On the April 15th all the students from school recorded a video in English, where we explained our challenges. How we felt about making this challenge.

The conclusion is to see that a small change can become a giant step and transform our vision of something that previously seemed impossible.

Goodbye and thank you for reading our news.

Jordi Alonsno. 5th grader

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