English: 30 day challenge.

Hi, I’m Jordi and today I’m going to tell you about the English challenge proposed by Ceci, our English teacher, those days of lockdown.

Mr. Matt Cutts, director of TED in the United States of America, proposes a change of habits for 30 days. For example: do not eat sugars or chocolates, do sport, not watch TV… and see how we feel during these 30 days. He said we would surely discover new and pleasant sensations.

Ceci told us we could do 30 days or 14 days doing something new . Everyone could choose what they wanted to do. I chose to build Legos. I took advantage of the pieces that I have at home and I only download the instructions.

Every day after doing my homework, I went to my toy room and  I was concentrate on finding the pieces that I need it.

I was impressed to see that I was able to build starships that cost a lot of money in the store, without leaving home and without wasting money.

On the April 15th all the students from school recorded a video in English, where we explained our challenges. How we felt about making this challenge.

The conclusion is to see that a small change can become a giant step and transform our vision of something that previously seemed impossible.

Goodbye and thank you for reading our news.

Jordi Alonsno. 5th grader


Hi everyone,

On October 30th we celebrate Halloween at school.

We come at school dressed up in scary costumes.

We are going to do a lot of activities related to Halloween. For example we are going to read spooky histories, sing and dance Halloween songs or carve a Halloween pumpkin.

Have a Happy Hallowen!!!

Jan Gubern. 6th grader.

eTwinning project: Making friends with letters.


Last year Ceci met one teacher from Czech Republic. The name of this teacher is Markéta. We send letters from Catalonia and Czech students send letter to us. 5th and 6th graders and the students who take part of this project.



L’any passat la Ceci va conèixer una professora de la República Txeca. Els nens i nenes de Maians enviem cartes als nens i nenes de la República Txeca i ells a nosaltres. En aquest projecte només hi participen els nens i nenes de 5è i 6è curs.

Projecte eTwinning: Traditional children’s games around Europe


Ceci, our English teacher, tell us that we are going to do an eTwinning project. This project is about getting to know another pupils from another country and to share a project. We will explain them the traditional games in Catalonia and they will explain us the traditional games in Poland and Turkey. The first activity is the Guess who? game. We will send them a photo from us and a description and they will guess who is who.


La semana passada la Ceci, la nostra mestra d’anglès, ens va dir que fariem un projecte eTwinning. Consisteix en conèixer nens de diferents països i explicar-nos jocs tardicionals. La primera activitat és enviar-nos una foto de tota la classe amb una petita descripció de cadascú i hauran d’endevinar qui és qui, jugarem al joc del ¿Quién es quién?


El dia 13 de març tota la ZER farem una trobada a Castellolí per celebrar l’English day. Aquest any el tema escollit és: Sant Patrick’s day, la festa Irlandes més gran i coneguda.

Durant aquest dia cantarem, ballarem i farem activitats relacionades amb la festa Irlandesa. Els alumnes de tota la ZER cantaran la cançó I’m a little leprechaun. Després ens dividirem en grups i farem tallers relacionats amb la cultura Irlandesa.

A la tarda anirem a la “Brillante” i ballarem danses irlandeses. Els alumnes de cicle superior ballaran la dansa Shamrock beat i els alumnes de cicle mitjà ballaran una dansa tradicional Irlandesa. Els alumnes de cicle inicial i infantil ballaran una altra dansa Irlandesa.

Aquest serà el nostre quart English day, esperem que tothom s’ho passi d’allò més bé!!!

Alba i Eloi.

Alumnes de sisè.


Making new friends from Czech Republic

We are doing an eTwinning project with a Czech school. This project is aimed at pupils from Maians and Czech Republic. Children will get to know each other by means of Internet tools ,e mails, as well as by using more traditional ways of communication such as postcards.

The project started last year and will be finished in June 2019. During the project students will discuss different topics like my family, hobbies, school, favourite subjects, sports, music, food. They will also compare different cultures, customs and traditions. They will present information in the form of Power Point presentations, quizzes or posters. At the same time they will practise their English. Maians students have made a lapbook about Czech Republic country. Here you have the results.

We hope you like it! We are having a good time!