English Day 24.05.24

Friday, we enjoyed celebrating “the English Day” again !

We are glad to share with you our wonderful photos and videos.


Divendres vàrem gaudir celebrant “the English Day” un altra vegada!

Estem molt contents de compartir amb vosaltres les meravelloses fotos i vídeos que hem fet.

Cliqueu en el link per visualitzar les fotos de les diferents activitats:

English Day Infantil

1r Scavenger Hunt

1r, 2n i 3r Theatre: “The king, the dragon & the princess”

3r Scanvenger Hunt

3r English Day

4th Games in English, activity between schools and Institute

4th, 5th & 6th Theatre: “Wild, wild, west”

5è Scavenger Hunt

6è Scavenger Hunt

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