Have you got….?

Preprimary students from Massalcoreig and Llardecans are studying classroom objects. These days they have been practising the following questions and answers:

Have you got….? Yes, I have // No, I haven’t

Learning to speak a new language is difficult, but they are trying hard! CONGRATULATIONS!

Here you have a summary of their progress. Good job! 😎


Els i les alumnes d’infantil de Massalcoreig i de Llardecans estan estudiant els objectes de l’aula. Aquests dies han estat practicant les següents preguntes i respostes:

Tens….? Sí, jo tinc. // No, jo no tinc.

Aprendre a parlar una nova llengua és difícil, però s’estan esforçant molt! FELICITATS!

Aquí teniu un resum del seu progrés. Bona feina! 😎

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