Unlocking New Worlds and Fostering a Joy of Reading

As we embark on another exciting academic year, we are delighted to introduce an essential component of our Foreign Languages department: compulsory readers. At INS Montserrat Roig, we believe that language learning extends far beyond the classroom, and these carefully selected books are designed to open doors to new cultures, perspectives, and opportunities for personal growth.

The Power of Language Learning

Learning a foreign language is not just about mastering grammar and vocabulary, it’s about immersing yourself in a whole new world. These readers allow you to experience language in its cultural context, they are an open door to traditions, history, and daily life of the people who speak the language.

Fostering Critical Thinking

Compulsory readers are also about developing critical thinking skills. As you engage with these texts, you will be expected to carry out some projects where you’ll analyse characters, unravel plot twists, and interpret cultural diversity. 

We wish you a fantastic academic year filled with linguistic discovery, cultural exploration, and the joy of reading.

Warm regards

Pla Lector ESO

Pla Lector Batxillerat


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