Erasmus Exchange Programme: Fenja’s Visit and Jeyson’s Turn to Go

We have had the pleasure of hosting Fenja Grösser, a 16-year-old exchange student from Germany, as part of the Erasmus program.
During her three-month stay here, Fenja has become like one of us. She joined our activities, and we showed her what our school and Barcelona are like. We loved having Fenja here, and as she prepares to return to Germany, she takes with her the fun times and friendship she shared with us. She is leaving behind good memories, specially to those who had the privilege of getting to know her.

Our students interviewed Fenja to find out what she liked the most about her stay. She said, “Even though we’re from different places, it’s nice to see that we’re more alike than different.”  They have the same interests, dreams, and face similar challenges as teenagers. Many students have found inspiration in Fenja’s openness to new experiences and her willingness to step out of her comfort zone. 

However, the exchange is not over! Our student Jeyson Cubías is looking forward to embarking on a journey to Germany in February. Stay tuned to hear more about Jeyson’s adventure in Germany! We are sure it’s going to be awesome.


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