They’re finally here!

Els alumnes de 2n C de l’institut han rebut, per fi, les samarretes de Global Scholars. Aquestes són el premi per haver estat el primer grup de la nostra col·laboració (Comet) en completar la primera tasca.

Han estat dos mesos d’espera, entre enviament des d’Estats Units i inspeccions duaneres però finalment ja estan aquí!

Tot i el fred hem volgut deixar constància de la seva arribada.

Our second C students have finally received the Global Scholars t-shirts. These have been sent as a prize for having successfully completed the first task in our Comet cooperation, taking into account the individual work of each member.

We have been waiting for more than two monts, counting the shipping from the United States and the customs clearance, but they’re finally here!

Although it’s a bit windy today, we wanted to show them off!


2nd C students – Global Scholars


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