Ja portem unes setmanes que a les classes d’angles estem parlant sobre la vida de Stephen Hawking i les biografies.

Els alumnes de 2n han fet uns “Lapbooks” sobre els científics i nosaltres, els de 1r, hem mirat una pel·lícula La teoría del todo, en anglès.  Un cop acabada la pel·lícula els alumnes de 1r hem escrit una petita biografía sobre Stephen, i aquesta és la que he escrit jo i m’he estrenat com a col.laborador de la pàgina web:


Stephen Hawking, was born on the 8th of January 1942, Oxford (United Kingdom). He lived in Cambridge with his girldfriend, now Stephen lives in USA with one nurse. He is 75 years old. He was married to Jane, later divorcied jane, and Hawking got married to his nurse. When he was 18 years old, the doctors found the sickness ALS. All people say: you only have 2 years of life.

Stephen was important because his studies, discovered things that no one else know. He is very important, for knows and his sickness. He as a scientist, he works in the Cambridge University. he travels around the all world. When he was 25 years, he nd a nurse traveled to USA. He and
Jane had 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl (Lucy Hawking, Robert Hawking and Tim Hawking). He comunicate unsig a PC. His voice is made with a PC American voice, he controls the PC with his eyes, because he’s got ALS sickness. He is very clever and very intelligent he has got a good sense of humor. He was getting worse and worse because of the ALS.


Ara, de deures per vacances de Pasqua, hem d’escriure la nostra pròpia autobiografia o la biografia d’un company, en anglès, i aquest serà el premi Sant Jordi a la categoria d’anglès.

Bern Mas – 1r ESO B


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