Benvingut, Greg! per Natàlia Garcia

Aquest curs tenim al nostre institut a en Greg Gottlieb, un noi nascut a Brisbane (Austràlia) que ens ajudarà a practicar i millorar el nostre anglès.

Va trobar aquest treball mitjançant un programa del Servei de Llengües de la Generalitat de Catalunya i el Ministeri d’Educació. Gent de diversos països es presenta per trobar un treball a qualsevol part d’Espanya, posant preferències de lloc. El curs passat, va estar a un institut de Barcelona, i aquest curs aquí al Badia.

Ell es va presentar perquè degut a la pandèmia de Covid-19 va haver de canviar de feina. Explica que quan era un adolescent es va enamorar de la música, i va marxar a viure a Londres. Allà es va estar un temps buscant treballs petits a cafeteries i bars amb els seus amics, però al cap d’un temps el visat se li va acabar i va estudiar jazz per poder obtenir un visat d’estudiant i poder quedar-se. Tot anava bé fins que va aparèixer el virus i ja no podien tocar a cap lloc. Buscant, va trobar aquest treball que li permet tenir un visat i poder ensenyar. L’altra raó per la qual es va presentar és per estar més a prop de la seva parella. En Greg tenia una relació a distància amb una noia de Mataró, i va aprofitar que buscava treball per trobar-ne un a Catalunya i poder viure amb ella finalment després de 4 anys junts. Li encanta Espanya.

 El que més li agrada del treball és quan aconsegueix que algú amb bon nivell d’anglès se n’adoni i tingui confiança en ell mateix. La majoria de vegades els alumnes ens pensem que no tenim tant nivell com de veritat tenim, i quan aconseguim veure que sí que tenim bon nivell ens surt més fàcilment poder expressar-nos en un altre idioma.

 Parlant amb ell em va explicar que són cultures diferents l’australiana i la catalana però que li agrada molt poder aprendre a viure. Diu que no sap si de veritat està aprenent com és la vida aquí ja que ara es tot bastant diferent degut a les restriccions a causa de la pandèmia. No obstant, li agrada tornar a viure al costat del mar (al Maresme), tot i que no li agrada tant haver d’aixecar-se molt d’hora per poder venir a Igualada.

 Benvingut al Badia i Margarit, Greg! Ens encanta poder tenir-te aquí amb nosaltres.

This year we have Greg Gottlieb, an Australian guy (born in Brisbane) who will help us practice and improve our English.

He found this job through a program run by the Generalitat de Catalunya’s Servei de Llengües and the Ministry of Education. People from different countries can apply to work anywhere in Spain, requesting their preferred regions. Last year, Greg was at a high school in Barcelona ​​and this year, he’s here at Badia i Margarit.

Greg applied to be an auxiliar de conversa because he had to change jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. He explains that when he was young, he fell in love with music and moved to London. There he spent some time playing small gigs in cafes and bars with his friends, but after a while his visa ran out and he studied jazz so that he could get a student visa and stay longer, working as a musician. Everything was fine until the virus appeared and they could no longer play anywhere. He did some research and found this job that allows him to have a visa and be able to teach in Spain. The other reason he came to Catalunya was to be closer to his partner. Greg had a long-distance relationship with a woman from Mataró, and he took advantage of the fact that he was looking for a job to find one in Catalunya and finally be able to live with her after 4 years together. He loves Spain so far.

Working as an auxiliar, Greg has noticed that most of the time we students think that we don’t have as good a level of English as we really do – and that when we get the chance to see that we actually do know some English, it becomes easier for us to be able to express ourselves in another language.

Greg explained to me that Australian and Spanish cultures are quite different, but that he really likes being able to learn how we live. He says he doesn’t know if he’s really learning what life is usually like here because now everything is quite different due to restrictions. However, he likes living by the sea (in Maresme) – although he does not like having to get up very early to be able to come to Igualada.

 Welcome to Badia i Margarit, Greg! We are very happy to have you here with us.