Cuidem-nos!, taller de cura i autocura amb CFGM ADP

L’alumnat de 2n del CFGM d’Atenció a persones en situació de dependència han participat en el taller La cura i autocura professional de la mà de professionals del centre Bes (Barcelona Espai Supervisió).

Aquest taller ens ha permès reflexionar sobre la necessitat de cuidar-nos per poder cuidar a les persones del nostre entorn, usuaris, residents, companys i companyes, altres professionals… En l’exercici de la nostra professió, com a futurs cuidadors i cuidadores, serà important. A partir d’aquí l’alumnat dissenyarà espais on cuidar-se.

Algunes idees que ens han donat son: dir-nos “sóc perfectament capaç de fer el que em proposi”; analitzar la cadena pensament-sentiment-acció; pensar què-com-quan puc cuidar-me; pensar “de què disposo per cuidar-me?”; analitzar els sentits, ja que és la via per la que ens arriba la informació; i tenir present que quan ens cuidem, cuidem als del nostre costat.

How to take care of ourselves.

2nd course students of Care for dependent people VET studies have participated in a hands-on workshop about how to take care of themselves as future professionals in the social and health sector. The workshop has been carried out by professionals from Bes (Barcelona space of supervision).

This workshop has allowed us to reflect on the need to look after  ourselves in order to be able to take care of the people around us: residents or patients at nursing homes or residences for the elderly , colleagues, and other professionals… We are aware that as future caregivers it will be essential. From this point, students will design environments to take care of themselves.

Some of the ideas that the organizers have given to us are: to tell ourselves “I am perfectly capable of doing what I set out to do”; analyze the thought-feeling-action chain; thinking what-how-when I can take care of myself; thinking “what resources do I have to take care of myself?”; to analyze the senses, as it is the way in which information reaches us; and be aware that when We take care of ourselves, We also take care of those by our side.

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