Escape Room de Biologia i FiQ

Avui els alumnes de 4t ESO que fan Biologia i Física i Química han fet un Escape Room. Consistia en la realització de quatre proves relacionades amb les dues assignatures mencionades anteriorment i la llengua vehicular era en anglès. Les alumnes guanyadors han estat Irais Sanchez (4t C), Joana Donés (4t B), Denisa Mihaila (4t B) i Sara González (4t D).

Today the students of 4th ESO who are taking the subjects of Biology and Physics and Chemistry have participated in an Escape Room. It has consisted on the realisation of four tasks related with the two subjects mentioned before and the vehicular language was English. The winners have been Irais Sanchez (4th C), Joana Donés (4th B), Denisa Mihaila (4th B) i Sara González (4th D).

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