In English class, we have celebrated the first day of autumn!

In English class, we have celebrated the first day of autumn,  by having a look back at our best moments during the summer.  We had to describe a photo taken by us this summer and write about our feelings, circumstances and actions describing that moment.
Then, we shared the photos on Padlet and voted for the best photos. We had fun and we got to know a little better their interests, hobbies and routines. (by Paula Rodriguez and Gal·la Sanchez)
The winners are:
Julian O`Brian 3rd A (22 votes)
Marouane Boukabous 3rd B  (20 votes)
Addam O 3rd A (16 votes)
4th of ESO`s winners  are:
Alex Teixidor (18 votes)
Basma Kamar (16 votes)
Biel Morcillo (15 votes)

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