Visita al Shipping & Transport College

Del 13 al 14 de març els professors Víctor Pérez i Marta Trallero han visitat durant dos dies el centre holandes Shipping & Transport College (STC MBO) de Rotterdam, prestigiós institut situat al port de Rotterdam especialitzat en transport i logística.
Ens han convidat a visitar el port de Rotterdam en vaixell i la terminal de contenidors més important del port.
Durant les reunions mantingudes hem intercanviat informació d’ambdós centres i hem visitat les seves instal·lacions i les seves aules.
El proper 25 d’abril ens visitaran tres professors d’aquest centre per tal de poder acabar de definir la nostra futura col·laboració.
Molt agraïts per la magnífica acollida que ens han fet.


Víctor Pérez and Marta Trallero, teachers at Jaume Mimó, visited the Shipping & Transport College (STC MOB) in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, from 13th to 14th March. This prestigious college, located in the port of Rotterdam, is specialized in transport & logistics.
We could visit the port on a boat tour and we were able to see the most important container terminal.
During the meeting, we exchanged information from both colleges and visited their facilities and classrooms in Rotterdam.
Next April 25th, three teachers from STC are coming to Jaume Mimó in Cerdanyola. We are looking forward to their visit and future collaboration between the two colleges.
We are very grateful for the excellent and warm welcome.