Success Story

El nostre darrer projecte finalitzat Erasmus+ (2015-2017) “My way, your way, our shared cultural identities” ha estat  seleccionat com  exemple de bones pràctiques per la Direcció General d’educació, joventut, esport i cultura de la Comissió Europea. Volem agrair atots els alumnes i professors dels quatre països qu han participat en lal projecte la tasca ben feta. Acontinuació teniu part del mail que hem rebut a través de la coordinadora de Suècia

It is my pleasure to inform you that your project 2015-1-SE01-KA219-012285- “My way, your way, our shared cultural identities” has been selected as a “success story” by a panel of experts from the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission.

“Success stories” are finalised projects that have distinguished themselves by their impact, contribution to policy-making, innovative results and/or creative approach and can be a source of inspiration for others. The selection of your project as a success story was made on the basis of rigorous criteria regarding its quality, relevance and results.

The project has been marked as “success story” in the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, a database where you can find descriptions and results of projects supported by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport, as well as its predecessor programmes. As a consequence of this selection, visibility and acknowledgement will be given to your project, for instance on our websites, social media, and when preparing documentation for conferences or other events with high-ranking attendance.

I would like to congratulate and thank you and your project partners for your commitment, enthusiasm and high-quality work.


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