We are the 3rd of ESO erasmus students and last Wednesday we participated in the Let’s clean up Europe week with the UVIC. We left from the school at 9 in the morning and we met the university students, we were 45 in total. Then the activity started in the Xavier Roca i Vinyes park, known as the skate park, and we cleaned the part from there to the Iron Bridge. Just in this section we found 30kg of refusal, 35kg of plastics and containers and 20kg of glass. It is a lot of rubbish just for that little part of the river bank. We also found some things that are very strange such as plastic chairs or a sunshade. It is very important to let our environment clean because our health depends on that and we can all help. We encourage you to maintain our city clean and also to participate in actions like this. Next Sunday there is another meeting for cleaning so you are all invited to join the group and help.

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