Reviewing Precious

We watched Precious in 1st of Bat B and here we are our thoughts about the movie:

Luna: I think this film makes you think a lot about life. The main character had a very difficult life, she felt like she was nothing, she suffered abuse and had no future. But she ws very strong and managed to find a way to solve her problems. This films gives you another perspective of life: amyone can tell you what are you capable of, and make you feel worthless. There’s always a solution and you have to keep on trying to achieve your goals.

Alon: I liked the movie, is interesting watching it but is hard because it shows the hard part of a girls life, Precious, living with her mum and dad who misstreat and abuse her.

Sandra: Precious is a thought-provokingfilm that doesn’t let anyone the same after seeing it. Eventhogh is quite tough, it has some aspects that will change your point of view about life.

Irene: In my opinion, this film is really though and realistic. Show’s the worst life that a teenager can experience. At the beginning all of her life is pessimistic, but during the movie, the teenager grow as a person and finally can manage to continue.

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