Last Friday 11th November, the 4rth year ESO students took part in the activity Scottish Dancing and Songs. During one hour and a half, we sang, danced and learned about traditional Scottish culture. It was conducted by David Vivancos and it was a funny an… Llegeix més»

Christmas workshops

Yesterday the students of 4C2 organised different Christmas workshops for 1C1 group. They were decorating gingerbread cookies, wrapping Christmas presents, guessing hidden objects in beautifully decorated boxes, singing Christmas carols with Rudolph antlers and Santa’s beard on and playing funny games like Alphabetical and Twistmas.… Llegeix més»

A taste of Scottish culture

21st January, 3rd ESO students experienced a taste of Scottish culture by learning ‘Ceilidh’ group dances and folk songs. They listened and responded to stories and humour, relating to historic and contemporary Scotland (included bagpipe demonstration!)”


Back from London

Dear all,
after spending some great days in London, we are left with a bunch of memories… and some pictures too. Some of them are included in this slide show (just click on the title!).

We are almost there!

Benvolgudes famílies,
ha arribat l’hora del viatge. Aquest diumenge ens enlairem cap a la nostra aventura londinenca! Podeu consultar tots els detalls en aquest enllaç.
Looking forward to getting there!

Jazz concert in Barcelona

Dilluns 21 de novembre els nostres alumnes de 1r de batxillerat van assistir a una Xerrada del quartet de jazz liderat per la compositora i flautista Jaime Baum. Organitzat pel consulat dels Estats Units, l’acte ha tingut lloc a l’American Space Barcelona (Biblioteca Ignasi Iglesias-Can… Llegeix més»