Galligants- 2nESO


El dia 29 de gener vam anar al barri de Galligants a visitar un monestir. Ens van explicar que els monjos dedicaven la seva vida a resar i escriure. També ens van explicar algunes parts del monestir que ja havíem estudiat a Socials però allà les vam veure en directe. Per exemple el claustre que era una mena de passadís que comunicava les diferents estances i també un pati per on passejar i resar.

També vam fer un taller d’escriptura amb tinta, com feien els monjos i vam posar un segell de cera.

Ens va agradar molt el taller perquè ens va semblar molt interessant com copiaven els llibres els monjos, i ens va semblar que la guia del monestir ho va explicar tot d’una manera molt interessant i va fer que una visita que podria haver estat molt avorrida ens semblés molt interessant i que ens agradés molt.


Júlia, Valèria, Sonya K. , Rea i Wiam



Last Wednesday, 29th January 2020, Second ESO students went to Girona. There were several activities to do and only one morning, so we divided into two groups in order to do everything and be on time for our come back home.

While one group was learning about Galligants and the life at a monastery, the other group was discovering Street Art and the Jewish District.

In Galligants we learned about the importance of writing in monastery’s everyday life in Medieval times. We even tried to copy a small paragraph which was written in the middle ages with a feather and ink! It was really funny and we all enjoyed it.

Meanwhile the 2nd group was having a competition in which they had to find certain artistic wall paintings throughout Girona city centre (with the help of a map) and take a group picture with them. It was wonderful and really funny but it was quite difficult to keep up with the time limit we had.

After that, we had a little tour around Girona city centre and we learned a bit about its history. It was very interesting! As a curiosity, I would like to mention that we met a Jewish family who went from Israel to Girona and whose ancestors were from Spain. They told us their family was expelled in 1494 from Cordova, following the current laws on that time.

Finally, we came back home safe and sound. According to the teachers, we behaved and didn’t cause any trouble so they were very proud and glad. It was a wonderful trip and we all enjoyed it.

Kakul Phogat i en Pol Solé

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