2nd term crafts

Take a look at some of our galleries below. Our children art works that have created through this term in the Arts in English classroom.

Enjoy surfing.

CM and CS children enjoyed making Easter crafts during this month. The children of year 4 had great time exploring Jackson Pollock technique through a practical workshop.
Year 5 children learn about Leandre Cristòfol art, the artist from Ós de Balaguer, LLeida. We did our Stellar Harmony and universe. Year 3 had fun painting in the style of Romero Britto, the Brasilian pop artist.

Storytelling I3

Famílies d’I3, quan ha arribat finals de setembre els dijous al matí gaudim i compartim moments molt bonics amb l’activitat d’storytelling. Durant la sessió podem fer les nostres rutines en anglès com el Good morning, what’s the weather like o The days of the week. Hem conegut la nostra mascota el Cheeky monkey que dintre de la seva caixa ens porta diferents sorpreses: contes en anglès que expliquem i compartim plegats. A més a més, també tenim temps per poder fer cantarelles i poemes en anglès.

Aquí teniu un recull dels contes que hem compartit de l’inici fins a aquest moment, si cliqueu a sobre del conte o en la pestanya groga del costat us portarà al conte narrat en anglès per si voleu conèixer la història i reviure-la.

Enjoy the stories 😉



Hello, In the year 5 classes we have learnt how to do a proper TEA TIME party. We have tasted  a British tea with milk  with biscuits and cucumber sandwiches. We have enjoyed a lot.

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