Hi kids!

Do you remember that, before our confination, we started “the body parts” topic? Ok! Today we’re going to start remembering some funny songs about it! Click on the different pictures and enjoy them! After that, I’m going to proposed you an activity.

Hola nois/es!

Recordeu que, abans del confinament, havíem començat el tema “de les parts del cos”? D’acord! Avui començarem a recordar algunes cançons divertides al respecte! Feu clic a les diferents imatges i gaudiu-ne! Després d’això, us proposaré alguna activitat.

Parts of the Body Song - YouTube

Body Parts - YouTube

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes | Kids Song with Matt | Preschool ...

Now it’s your turn. Can you record a video dancing and singing “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” song? Come on! Try it! Tell to your parents to record you and send me the video to mar@elfarescola.cat   I will hope all your fun videos during this week!

Ara és el vostre torn. Podeu gravar un vídeo ballant i cantant la cançó “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”? Som-hi! Intenta-ho! Demaneu als vostres pares perquè us gravin, i envieu el vídeo a mar@elfarescola.cat    Espero els vostres vídeo al llarg d’aquesta setmana!

Kisses and hugs!!!!


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