Hi guys!

How are you? I’m so happy with your answers!! Today we are continue learning the city. This week, I’ve attached two worksheets and a video. The video is a song about the city. The first worksheet is my a vocabulary list. You know that it’s important to learn all the vocabulary in order to improve our speech. Well, you can print it or you can save it in your computer. Then, you can read it several times during the week, ok? The other worksheet is an activity that you have to complete. You can find two columns, and you have to write what places you can find in your city (of the vocabulary list) or what places you cannot find. I have attached an example in order to help you, ok? 

IF YOU HAVEN’T GOT PRINTER AT HOME, NO PROBLEM! You can do it in a sheet of paper!

Here you’ve got the activities. Click on this link: The city

Come on, let’s go!

Hola nens i nenes!

Com esteu? Estic molt contenta amb les vostres respostes! Avui continuarem estudiant la ciutat. Aquesta setmana, us he portat dues fitxes i un video. El video es una cançó sobre la ciutat. La primera fitxa és la meva llista de vocabulari. Sabeu que és molt important aprendre el vocabulari per tal de millorar el nostre discurs. Bé, us el podeu imprimir o el podeu guardar al vostre ordinador. Després, el podeu anar llegint alguns cops durant la setmana, d’acord? L’altre fitxa és una activitat per a completar. Trobareu dues columnes i heu d’escriure quins llocs trobeu a la vostra ciutat (de la llista de vocabulari) i quins no. Us hi he inserit un exemple per tal d’ajudar-vos, ok?

SI NO TENIU IMPRESSORA A CASA, CAP PROBLEMA! M’ho podeu fer en un full de paper!

Aquí hi trobareu les activitats. Cliqueu al següent link The city


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