Hi kids!

How are you? I hope you are fine, and you stay at home! Today I discover that Macmillan is offering a series of story tales by their web. Today, I am going to link one here. It’s called THE GRUFFALO, and I’m going to tell you a secret: The Gruffalo is my favourite story! Enjoy it!

Hola nens i nenes!

Com esteu? Espero que estigueu bé i estigueu a casa! Avui he descobert que Macmillan està oferint una sèrie de contes a la seva web. Avui, us en posaré una aqui. Es diu THE GRUFFALO, i us explicaré un secret: és el meu conte preferit! Disfruteu-lo!

Find here some ACTIVITIES about the story and the ANSWERS (optional). You can take a photo of your Gruffalo mask and send it to me at mar@elfarescola.cat   

Aquí hi trobareu algunes ACTIVITATS sobre el conte i les SOLUCIONS (opcional). Podeu fer-vos una foto de la vostra màscara de Gruffalo i me l’envieu a mar@elfarescola.cat


Teacher Mar


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